“Formerly every brāhmaṇa used to learn these two sciences, Āyur-veda and Jyotir-veda. Jyotir-veda means astrology. Because any other, the less intelligent than brāhmaṇas, the kṣatriyas, the vaiśyas, the śūdras, they would need the brāhmaṇas for health and future. Everyone is very inquisitive to learn what is future, what is going to happen next, and everyone is concerned with the health. So brāhmaṇas, they would simply advise about health and the future, so that is their profession and people give them eatables, cloth, so they have nothing to do for working outside.” [Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam 1.2.6, New Vrindaban, September 5, 1972]