Astrology is the Eye of the Vedas. Astrology is derived from the word esther – star and logos that is reason and logic. It predicts the future by pure mathematical calculations of the nine planets that influence our lives in every aspect.

Ancient maharishis were masters in every branch of knowledge. The rishis solved all problems of life which modern science with the help of their limited imperfect knowledge have been struggling to solve. The ancient maharishis had a great advantage over our present-day scientists because they had a fourth-dimensional consciousness which enabled them to classify all facts concerning the universe without the aid of telescopes.

Man’s present existence is but a link in the chain associated with one’s past lives. In each birth one carries one step forward to one’s goal until one reaches salvation or moksha. Every action must produce an equal and opposite reaction. This effect brings forth another effect.

The Vedic astrologer being guided by a series of observations and intuition discovered that the planets placed in different mathematical coordinates gave satisfactory results in predicting future events.

The influence by the various planets on a man can be classified under three broad headings namely physical, mental and spiritual. According to professor B Suryanarayan Rao the grandfather of the great astrologer dr. B.V. Rahman said that on careful examination it was revealed that mankind is continuously subjected to the influence of the planetary rays.

Physical conditions are nothing but the action and reaction of the solar and planetary rays upon each other and on the earth. Rains are due to the sun and the sun affects our health, our financial affairs and the moon affects our mind and the tides cannot be denied.

Newton rebuked his friend for criticizing astrology and told him that “I have studied these things and you have not.” Knowledge of astrology is highly essential for every individual. Fools obey the planets while wise men control them.

by Dharmavira das Prabhu