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There is Perfect Order in the Universe.

Introduction to Vedic Astrology

” The rishis solved all problems of life which modern science with the help of their limited imperfect knowledge have been struggling to solve. The ancient maharishis had a great advantage over our present-day scientists because they had a fourth-dimensional consciousness which enabled them to classify all facts concerning the universe without the aid of telescopes.” – HDG Dharmavira dasa Prabhu

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What is this Universe, the entire Creation, how does is actually look like, what is the 4th Dimension?

All these questions are explained in great detail in Srimad-Bhagavatam, 5th Canto – “The Creative Impetus“. How could someone see those details of the entire creation? Srila Dharmavira das Prabhu stressed out in his Introduction to Vedic astrology: “ The rishis solved all problems of life which modern science with the help of their limited imperfect knowledge have been struggling to solve. The ancient maharishis had a great advantage over our present-day scientists because they had a fourth-dimensional consciousness which enabled them to classify all facts concerning the universe without the aid of telescopes.” He was pointing at the great sages (maha-rishis) like Srila Vyasadeva (incarnation of the Supreme Personality of Godhead) and Parashara Muni whose vision is unlimited through time, space and dimensions and as such their vision is only the actual vision of reality that surrounds us. Having such unimaginably broad vision, the ancient sages as perfect beings did not need any magnifier (microscope or telescope) to help them see details from close or afar, or behind, above, below and aside. Hence their description does not match our extremely limited vision of the world around us. For more information check out these links: Bhū-maṇḍala Diagram Discussion, July 2, 1977, Vṛndāvana – an interesting discussion about presentation of the map according to the descriptions of the universe given in Srimad-bhagavatam, and 3-Dimensional, 4-Dimensional world, Material world, Spiritual world, Where are WE? – quotes about 4-dimensional reality from the Book Navadvip-dham-mahatmya by Srila Bhatktivnoda Thakura and quote from the lecture by Srila Gour Govinda Swami about 4 dimension.

Everyone should have knowledge of Jyotiṣa

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Understand the Past, Present and Future

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Astrology is a Great Science

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Concerned about future and health

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Why we should not look at the eclipses?

Events such as eclipses are similar to apocalyptic events described by John in the Book of Revelation, where it is said something like: ‘Close the doors, and windows, stay outside and don’t look what is going on outside‘ (hinting at destruction that is taking place). The eclipse is actually a shadow that spreads over luminaries Sun and Moon at least 4 times a year. This shadow is actually a ‘shadowy formation’ and it is a conscious entity demonic in nature.