What is Sanjivani?

Sanjivani is divine energy of Lord Shiva and Shakti. It is the highest and topmost energy for healing in the material universe.

Sending Healing Energy to the entire planet

Daily we are sending combination of Sanjivani and Shambhavi energy for healing to our immediate environment, our family and friends, and globally to the entire planet Earth.

Universal Prayer – Happiness for All

A beautiful prayer for healing and happiness by B. Suryanarain Rao, grandfather of BV Raman, famous astrologer

“Let all the people live in happiness, let the rulers be just and sympathetic in their rule, let the milky cows and Brahmins be blessed everyday, let all the worlds enjoy perfect happiness, let seasonal rains enrich the lands, let the earth be productive, let the countries enjoy freedom from epidemics, let Brahmins attend to their prayers without any fear from evil-minded people, let those who have no children beget children, let those who have no grandchildren be blessed with grandchildren, let those who have no money, get money and let all people live till they are one hundred years old. This prayer is as tolerant and honest, as broad-minded and as sympathetic as possible and when really good men send these prayers constantly to God with faith and devotion, they will never go in vain.”

Science Beyond Science

Special episode from History Channel

Some Highlights from the Video to pay attention to:

  • All Matter, physical universe is made of energy, and energy is made of vibration. Human mind is connected to those vibrations.
  • Human being is a whole, so we must practice holistic, integrative approach to healing the whole being on all levels.
  • Every human being is flowing energy and if there is disturbance in flow of energy, disease occurs.
  • Pain is a signal the body is giving that something has gone wrong in the body, please correct. Modern medicine approach is to give analgesics and painkillers. They block the threshold and the message does not go to the brain. Then the vibrational frequency goes down. Healing occurs when we raise the vibration frequency.
  • If the body multiplies its cells, all cells which are born – they die. Every cell has changed, over the period of time, this body is not the same. The question is: Why would a new cell which is being born a fresh, carry the disease? Shouldn’t it be new cell, and not diseased cell?
  • When we chant those etheric sounds (mantras), the chromosomes open up. Every second there is one million of cells that die and the new cells are reborn. But why the cancerous cells are reborn in cancer patients? Why not healthy cells? What we do is by chanting those mantras we open up the chromosomes. New cells that are going to be reborn are going to be healthy cells.
  • Every human being has infinite healing potential lying in dormant form within him.
  • We increase the supply of oxygen to every cell of the body. We raise vibrational frequency of the body. We supply the prana energy, prana shakti into every cell of the body to the extent that disease disappears.
  • Every cell, every organ has particular vibrational frequency, human being vibrate at a particular vibrational frequency, and if vibration goes down, that organ become sick or human being becomes sick. But when we raise the vibration, the organ becomes healthy, the human being becomes healthy.

Vaiṣṇavānāṁ yathā śambhuḥ – Lord Śambhu [Śiva] is the greatest of Vaiṣṇavas.

From Srimad Bhagavatam 12.13.16

Always blissful meditating on Vishnu/Krishna.
Always blissful meditating on Vishnu/Krishna.