Shambhavi Healing

What is Shambhavi?

Shambhavi is divine Sanjivani energy of Lord Shiva and Shakti amplified with Sun’s energy. Sanjivani plus Surya give immensely powerful Shambhavi energy.

Deep breathing for detoxification

Shambhavi Healing Master Speaks

Here is important instruction about detoxification by Dharmavira das Prabhu, so please follow it: In holistic healing the patient becomes the healer and the first thing we learn is how to detoxify the body.

Science has discovered that very deep diaphragmatic breathing is the most effective way to detoxify the body. Deep breathing can immediately increase the energy of your body dramatically.

Therefore it is recommended that one focuses on breathing exercises. Deep breathing is done in the following manner:

You breathe in for 7 seconds and hold your breathe for 28 seconds and breathe out for 14 seconds. This is one cycle and you must do 10 cycles at one sitting.

You must do one session in the morning and one at noon and the last one in the later part of the afternoon. If you find it difficult to hold for 28 seconds in the beginning, you may change the ratio to breathing in for 4 seconds and holding for 16 seconds and breathing out for 8 seconds.

The reason why you hold your breathe for 4 times as long is that it helps to fully oxygenate the blood and activate the lymphatic system.

If the lymphatic system shuts down for 24 hours you would die as a result of trapped excess fluids throughout your cells. The blood system has got a pump, the heart.

The lymphatic system does not have a pump and the only way to stimulate it is by deep breathing and muscular movement. When too little fluid is supplied to the body the toxins are not properly eliminated therefore poisoning the body by its own excretion.

Every day billions of cells die and billions of new ones are created. The waste from the old cells will only be properly eliminated if you have enough water to cleanse it.

Otherwise the waste begins to accumulate in your circulatory system and causes poisoning which leads to disease. To prove this theory you may get your blood tested to see that the red blood cells that are carrying oxygen to you are not sticking together.

Most people eat too much fatty foods that cause the red blood cells to stick together, making them move slowly through the bloodstream so you get less oxygen and less energy which weakens the body.

By deep breathing for 10 days, three times a day you will not only lose weight but the red blood cells will no longer be sticking together, thus allowing more oxygen into the system.

After 10 days you may get your blood re-tested to prove that it is not just a theory but scientific.

By healthy breathing you do not feel hungry because your body is getting what it needs most.

The amount of water you should drink should be dictated by your thirst.

You will only continue to receive Shambhavi holistic healing from me if you complete your 10 days of deep diaphragmatic breathing.

by Dharmavira das

Sun’s Healing Properties

Sun Heals All Ailments, Purifies Contamination, Countries without enough Sun considered condemned

“So if a diseased man goes to the sunshine, he is actually… He is cured. Sunshine has got… Scientifically also, it has got ultraviolet rays. If he does not take any medicine, if he simply sits down in sunshine, he will be cured. Nature’s way.” [Lecture on Bhagavad-gītā 9.22-23, New York, December 8, 1966]

“Somehow or other, if you come to the sunlight, you become purified and you get warmth. Not that sun becomes contaminated by you. No. That is not possible. Sun is so powerful that even you are contaminated… You cannot contaminate the sun. Tejīyasāṁ na doṣāya [SB 10.33.29]. When one is very powerful, there is no contamination. The sun cannot be contaminated, but anything contaminated, if you put into the sunshine, it becomes purified.” [Lecture on Śrī Īśopaniṣad, Mantra 8, Los Angeles, May 11, 1970]

“Just like the sun is created by God. The sun is the thing which is enjoyed by all parts of the world. But there are countries, Western countries, where sun is not visible, covered by the cloud. Any country, any part of the world which is covered by cloud and the sun is not visible, according to śāstra, such country is condemned. Because, although the sunshine is there, but certain condition, they cannot enjoy the sunshine.” [Bhagavad-gītā 4.13, Bombay, April 2, 1974]